Tag Archive | 현빈

[드라마] Greatest Love trailer

Greatest Love seems like a good drama. 1.) It’s Cha Seung Won 2.) It’s Yoon Kye Sang 3.) It’s Cha Seung Won + Yoon Kye Sang in one drama and 4.) It’s written by the Hong sisters.

To watch or not to watch? I have every reason to watch, but I have one big reason not to watch it – Kim Sun Ah, unfortunately, is not part of this drama. I’ve always wished, for many years now, that Yoon Kye Sang and Kim Sun Ah will have a drama together.

Kim Sun Ah visiting Yoon Kye Sang's filming

Now, her having a drama with both Yoon Kye Sang and Cha Seung Won would be heaven for me. It’s just a 39 second trailer but I feel jealous for Kim Sun Ah already. ㅠㅠ

I know it isn’t fair, but I have a tendency to not like seeing Suna Unnie’s previous partners (read: Hyun Bin and Cha Seung Won at least) acting opposite other actresses. I have endured Secret Garden. I actually wouldn’t have watched it in the first place if it wasn’t written by writer Kim Eun Sook. I don’t know if I’ll have the courage to watch Athena sometime in the future. Now, would I have the heart to watch this drama? It seems really really interesting and I don’t think I’ll let a Cha Seung Won-Yoon Kye Sang drama pass. I guess I’ll just have to endure it, especially when Cha Seung Won gets extra sweet to Gong Hyo Jin (keeping fingers crossed that there won’t be any bed scenes nor sweet kisses please!).

Why why why doesn’t Suna Unnie have a drama now?

Now, who said I’ll won’t watch a new drama until I’ve completed my unfinished dramas? 🙂

[드라마] 누구세요?

Finally! After almost 3 years I managed to finish the drama Who Are You?. Has it been 3 years? That’s how bad my procrastinating abilities are.  Me and my mom were watching it regularly and earnestly during the summer of 2008. We were on the 16th episode (of 17) when Kim Sun Ah’s When It’s At Night came. I got caught up with Suna Unnie’s drama (and involved myself into subbing it), got myself a new job, and continuously tells fools myself that I’ll finish Who Are You? soon. I changed jobs, Kim Sun Ah made another drama (and I involved myself into subbing it again), I quit working and I went back to school, Kim Sun Ah accepted and quit another drama (and yes, I have involved myself into subbing it too – and quit) – yet I haven’t gotten myself to finish it. Not until two days ago. Finally!

Long before Secret Garden, there was a good and heart-warming body-switch drama – Who Are You?. Alright, they didn’t really switch bodies, rather the soul of the dead Son Il Gun (Kang Nam Gil) goes inside Cha Seung Hyo’s (Yoon Kye Sang) body once in a while. But Hyun Bin’s funny antics and nuances in Secret Garden whenever he is Gil Ra Im is not new to me anymore because of Yoon Kye Sang and this drama.

Yes, Yoon Kye Sang is ♥! He is one of my (very few) favorite actors (along with Park Yong Ha, Cha Seung Won, Hyun Bin, Cha Tae Hyun & Lee Bum Soo). He is just so adorable in this drama, especially when Son Il Gun is taking over his body. And once upon a time I had wished Suna Unnie to have a similar role as Yoon Kye Sang ‘s. But that was before Secret Garden (so just imagine yet another frustration when I was watching Secret Garden). Now I just wish that she and Yoon Kye Sang will be in a drama because I think they look good together (Aside: Did you know that Kim Sun Ah was supposed to be part of g.o.d.?). I heard he’ll be starring in a new drama soon – Greatest Love. 꺄~! And with my other ♥ – Cha Seung Won. 꺄악~! But why is my Kim Sun Ah Unnie not with them? 흑흑흑

Ok. I was supposed to be writing about Who Are You? and not Kim Sun Ah.

So, I didn’t manage to finish Who Are You? sooner not because it was not good. I, in fact, find it really good. And I think that this drama is very underrated. However it doesn’t have the I-must-see-the-next-episode-now-or-else-I’ll-die feel on it that’s why it stayed on the back-shelf far too long.

Though I can still remember the story, I have forgotten a lot of scenes already. I only have to watch last episode, but I decided to watch episode 16 too so that I can get a feel of the drama again. It feels like I was watching episode 16 for the first time. I also noticed that I can understand their dialogues more than I did before. I remember this was the drama that made me not forget the word 그림 anymore. I would have liked it better to start the drama again, however despite the fact that I find it good, it is not something that I’m willing to spend another 17 hours of my life. At least not now when I have tons of things to do and hundreds of dramas to watch. Maybe in the future I will re-download and watch it again. Or maybe not. For now, it’s good enough that I have finished it. And so finally, I have deleted the last 2 episodes of Who Are You?. My hard drive is now 1.4GB freer. Yay!

좋은 아침

Today is a good morning!

Actually I almost missed the morning because I stayed up all night watching 9 Ends 2 Outs and reminiscing the SunBin couple (Kim Sun-Ah and Hyun Bin – My Name Is Kim Sam Soon). Anyway, I had breakfast in my mom’s store and we talked about our Korean dramas over breakfast. She’s FINALLY watching Secret Garden (after I literally harassed her into watching). She is already on the first body-switch so we just laughed all morning while we talk about Hyun Bin being Gil Ra-Im. I also told her about my new drama 9 Ends 2 Outs. If I’ll like it, I’ll probably lured her into watching it too. We ended up talking about out favorite pairing – Kim Sun-Ah and Hyun Bin in My Name Is Kim Sam Soon.

We used to watch dramas together. But since I returned to the university, our drama watching schedule doesn’t match anymore, so we ended up watching on our own. I kinda missed watching dramas with her. But talking about dramas over coffee is good enough. I’m loving my summer vacation.

Today, I also received my most awaited e-mail from a Taiwanese friend. She finally sent me my photo holding the gloves that Suna Unnie gave to me in Taiwan last year.

It just made my day! It was my only photo with those gloves. And it’s the first time I’m seeing it. It took me almost 10 months to track this photo down. If only I know Mandarin it would have been easier. Nonetheless, with the help of a good friend (cum personal translator!) I finally got hold of this (plus a few more extra photos from Taiwan). Now, I don’t have any more excuses not to write about my Taiwan experience in Suna Unnie’s fan cafe. I know it’s gonna be difficult, but I’m excited to practice my Korean writing skills again. I haven’t written anything long after my speech a few months ago.

Also, since it’s a weekday, I don’t have a part-time job in the morning – therefore more study hours. Yeah!

Anyway, enough prattling for now. Off to study Korean~ ^^ (and hopefully I’ll have extra time to blog some more before my part-time job starts later tonight)

말하기 D-Day

2011.03.04: 7th Korean Speech and 1st Korean Short Play competition

And I messed up big time! Worse than what I could have imagined, perhaps. I didn’t just forget a few lines – I completely – TOTALLY blacked out!

I just managed to completely memorize my speech the morning of the speech contest (and that was indeed a clear sign that I’m in deep trouble). Here’s a recording of my full speech before I went to school.


* While I was uploading, I listened to it again today. My pronunciation was very terrible! It doesn’t sound like how Koreans talk at all. I don’t think it’s even understandable!*

I started worrying about my oral exam on sociolinguistics that day because I haven’t prepared for it – at all. So I, along with my classmates, started cramming for the exam. Fortunately I did well on the exam (I think so… at least I was able to answer all the questions, I’m just not sure if my answers were enough to satisfy my professor). However it made me more stressed that day.

I changed my clothes then I practiced with my 도우미 one last time. And as much as I want to worry about the parts that I’ve forgotten AGAIN, I don’t have time to do so. The speech contest is starting. Luckily I was part of the second batch of contestants (I’m the 6th) and I thought I can still practice on my seat. However watching the contestants before me makes me nervous – especially when they started forgetting what to say. It must have been really scary up in the stage. Who said something about practicing while waiting for one’s turn?

They were all good though. But no one has connected to the audience yet. They all just go about and recite (and sometimes read) their speeches.

I was also getting a bit sad because I can’t see any of my classmates in the auditorium. Our Korea class is required to join the Korean short play contest too so they were all probably busy preparing. However it would have been wonderful if they can all be there to cheer for me. Especially when I’m feeling really down and nervous.

When it was my turn, they all surprised me with their warm cheers. They were all at the back of the auditorium, costumes and all, cheering for me. It lifted my spirits up.

I heaved a deep breath and took a plunge into one of my most embarrassing, yet most enjoyable and wonderful experience of my “Korean-learning” life.

It was not caught in this video, but we actually played THIS CLIP before I started my speech. And as soon as the video froze I ran to the center of the stage and “continued” the scene by delivering Sam Soon’s famous “가지 마요!” lines. *dies of embarrassment*

I wasn’t planning for such an opening. I was supposed to just say Sam Soon’s lines and get on with my speech. But later on, I realized that not everyone can easily remember THIS SCENE from My Name Is Kim Sam Soon as much as I do.

I’ve only said “가지 마요!” and it was received with warm applause and smiles already. And when I finished delivering Sam Soon’s lines everyone in the auditorium cracked up with laughter.

I wasn’t expecting that my opening will be received that way. Yes, my goal is to attract attention. I was expecting a few smiles and a few laughs. But I’ve never imagined an auditoriumful of people (Filipinos and Koreans alike) laughing and applauding.  It was very overwhelming. Too overwhelming it distracted me. And I forgot my first line!

I don’t understand, but I just can’t find in my head what it was that I was about to say. I know it has something to do with my name and with Sam Soon and with Sam Soon’s name. But it seems like someone shook my brain and jumbled all the words. Fortunately, I was able to relax and get myself back on track right away.

The smile that I managed to plant on the judges’ faces at the beginning of my speech stayed on their faces. They keep nodding and smiling. And I love them for it. I’m not sure if they are just being nice and kind. But I glanced at them a few times during the speeches of the contestants before me and they were never like that.

With my terrible pronunciation aside, I was doing just fine. Until I blacked out again. And I wasn’t able to get myself out of it anymore.

I actually don’t know what happened. I just blacked out. And that’s it. My mind went blank. I don’t know what to say next. And worst, I don’t think I even know where I was on my speech. I tried my best to remember, but I simply can’t. I’m trying to look for clues, but it seems like my brain suddenly stopped working. And my biggest mistake that day – I didn’t bring with me my script on the stage!

I have a cue card with me, and I have the 4th page of my script with me as well – just in case I forget them. But I was VERY (!) confident that I can manage pages 1 to 3, thus I didn’t bring all of them with me (thinking that I would just be tempted to look at them when I have them all with me).

When it was really helpless, I just said “죄송합니다” , went down the stage, took my script, went back on the stage, and read. Yes. Read!

Totally TOTALLY embarrassing! But at that time I couldn’t care less. I just want to be able finish my speech.

I managed to get myself back on track, especially on the part about Hyun Bin 🙂 (no, I’m not a fan, but the part about him is one of my favorite parts). But I never regained my confidence in delivering my speech without the aid of my script. So I still look at (and even read!) it from time to time until the end of my speech.

I believe in what I have written. In fact, boasting aside, I think my speech (the text) is wonderful. IF I felt bad that day, it would just have been because I wasn’t able to deliver my speech the way it deserves to be delivered. The next best thing that I was able to do then was to finish it until the end with the hopes that I was able to get across my message to everyone in the auditorium at least.

The thing is I DIDN’T FEEL BAD at all.

Everything that Shanna said was right. Not that I didn’t believe her, but I thought that it would only be a wonderful experience if you did well (or at least if you didn’t screw up). I was surprised that despite the fact that I didn’t do well, I felt wonderful. It was an amazing and exciting experience. The stage was not scary at all. And I enjoyed every moment of it! And I owe it all to everyone in that auditorium.

Of course I didn’t win anything. But seeing all the judges smiling, laughing and looking at me enthusiastically and being able to connect to the entire crowd was really really priceless, it’s almost as if winning already. The encouraging looks from the judges, my professors, my friends, my classmates and my fellow contestants when I started fumbling warmed my heart.

And how Shanna phrased it, it was indeed a humbling and great learning experience too.

I realized that I was not yet ready for it. A speech contest – my speech to be exact – is still too high for my current level in Korean. My powerpoint presentation has English translations in them. My professor tried to forward the slides and signaled me to go on and just skip the parts that I can’t remember, but I can only stare at them. I wasn’t able (and still won’t be able) to translate them in my own (Korean) words yet.

But I never regretted joining. I joined the speech contest not for winning. I joined because I saw it as an opportunity to help me improve my poor speaking skills (and improve my Korean in general). And I didn’t fail. Alright, so I don’t think I improved a lot in my pronunciation though, ha ha. But at least I was able to determine my weaknesses (ㄱ that I pronounce strangely; ㅎ that I often omit – like I often say 연빈 instead of 현빈; the tricky double consonants that I still can’t pronounce correctly). And I’ve been more mindful about them and I’m trying my best to be extra careful in pronouncing them. And of course there were a lot of new grammar patterns that I learned. Plus a handful of strange vocabularies turned into familiar words now.

I also gained a new Korean friend, my 도우미 Coco. We were already friends prior to the contest, but we became really close because of the speech contest.

Plus got a certificate and a few Korean goodies.

Now… erhm… would someone be kind enough to tell me who these boys are??? ㅋㅋㅋ

I’ve listened to the CD and I liked their songs though!

I’m also grateful for a lot of positive feedback I received after the contest.

I was surprised that there were a number Korean exchange students, most of whom I didn’t even know, who approached me telling me things like they like my speech, that it was very good, or that they also like Kim Sam Soon or Hyun Bin or Kim Sun Ah (that comment definitely made my day and I can’t wait to tell Suna Unnie about it) or that they didn’t know that my Korean was good.

My professor told me she is proud of me and of being my teacher and encouraged me to join again next time.

Last year’s winner said he liked the content of my speech (and that was really awesome coming from him considering that his speech last year was 진짜 정말 완전 대박!)

And one of the judges even told me that I should have been the winner. That was just too much I think (considering the real winner was just within an earshot!). And I could have easily taken it as “The content of your speech is excellent but too bad you are not good enough”. But the look on his face that time (and during my speech as well) wants me to believe that he really meant what he said and that he really enjoyed it. He told me to join again next time. And the best part – he also said that I’m 귀엽다! 꺄~! That last one I’m definitely buying! 🙂

I don’t know if they were just all trying to comfort me or something. But I don’t care. It does made me feel better, so I’m thankful.

And the best part of all – I get to dress up like my idol Kim Sam Soon!

Would I exchange all of these for winning? 절대로 안 돼! 🙂

꿈 같은 섬

This was my speech for the University of the Philippines 7th Korean Speech Contest held last March 4th 2011. Below is the English version.

꿈 같은 섬

“가지마요! 가지마요! 할 말이 있단 말이에요… 지금 가면… 지금 가면…”

안녕하세요, 여러분? 제 이름이 삼순이냐고요? 아니요, 제 이름은 삼순이가 아니에요. 저는 필리핀 국립 대학교에서 한국어를 공부하고 있는 알로디야라고 합니다.

저는 유명한 한국드라마 “내 이름은 김삼순”의 한 장면에서 제주도를 처음으로 보았습니다. 삼순이가 삼식이에게 고백을 한 다음, 그녀를 떠났습니다. 우리 불쌍한 삼순이는 혼자 맨발로 제주도 거리를 걸어 다닙니다. 그 순간 맑고 푸른 하늘과 쪽빛 바다가 같은 색깔로 하나로 어우러져 삼순이의 등을 손으로 다독여주는 것처럼 보입니다. 부드럽게 바위를 치는 희미한 파도 소리가 삼순이의 아픈 가슴을 위로하는 속삭임처럼 들려옵니다. 그런데 저는 아직도 궁금합니다… 삼순이가 삼식이한테 하고 싶은 말은 무엇이었을까요? “지금 가면…” “지금 가면…” “지금 가면…” 아! “지금 가면… 너는 제주도의 아름다움을 못 볼 거야!”. 그랬을까요?

제주도는 지형적으로 한반도남부에서 130km떨어진 타원형 아열대 화산섬입니다. 이 섬은 대한민국의 대표적인 섬으로, “신들의 섬” “한국의 하와이” “신혼여행지” “환상의 섬” “한국에서 제일 인기 있는 관광 행선지” 등 많은 별명을 가지고 있습니다. 서울, 부산, 대구에서 비행기로 약 한 시간이면 완전히 다른 세계에 도착할 수 있습니다.

제주도에 가 봤습니까 여러분? 먼저, 아름다운 바다가 우리의 주목을 끕니다. 수면에 햇빛이 반짝반짝 비춰 장관을 이루고, 해안을 따라 걷다 보면 환상적인 돌과 바위도 많이 볼 수 있습니다. 섬의 동쪽과 서쪽에 많은 오름이 있습니다. 그리고 아름다운 폭포들의 물줄기에서 작은 물방울들이 우리의 몸에 사붓이 닿곤 합니다.  또한 노란 유채꽃의 밭 한가운데서 산악 자전거나 말을 탈 수 있습니다. 숲 속을 걷고 있으면 황홀한 마법에 걸린 것처럼 느껴질 것입니다. 다양한 모양을 가진 용암동굴을 보고 성산 일출봉에서 일몰도 보면 정말 놀랄 것입니다. 만약 한라산을 오른다면, 경치를 통해 천국을 경험 하실 수 있을 겁니다. 마치 그림 속에 들어간 것 같을 겁니다. 이것이 바로  꿈 같은 섬. 제주도입니다.

하지만 저는 그 아름다움뿐만 아니라 제주도 주민들에게도 매료되었습니다.

제주도는 바람, 바위, 여자가 많은 삼다도라 불모의 토양, 강한 바람, 혹독한 가뭄은 주민들이 마주하고 있던 문제였습니다. 하지만 모두가 공동의 이익을 위해 함께 열심히 일했습니다. 그래서 제주도는 거지, 도둑, 잠긴 문이 없다는 삼무도라는 별명도 있습니다. 사람들은 집을 비워도 걱정하지 않고 서로 믿습니다. 만약 제가 저희집 문을 잠그지 않고 나온다면 엄마한테 혼나겠지요? 제주도 주민들은 이러한 자연적인 어려움을 극복하고 섬을 개발하는 방법과 함께 고유한 아름다움과 문화와 전통을 지키는 방법을 세월과 선조들의 배움을 통해 섬을 지켜나가고 있습니다.

자연을 생각하는 것은 한국사람들에겐 당연합니다. 한국사람들에게 자연은 영원히 영적이고 위안을 주는 어머니 같은 것입니다. 한국사람들은 자연이 존중 받지 못한다면 살 수 없다고 생각합니다. 그래서 한국사람은 제주도를 소중히 여깁니다. 가치 있게 여기며 존중합니다. 그리고 자랑스러워 합니다. 지금은 제주도가 대한민국에서 제일 유명하고 가장 소중한 섬입니다. 그래서 누구나 제주도 땅을 밟은 사람은 소중한 기억을 간직하며 다시 돌아오고 싶어합니다.

이러한 이유로 제가 제주도에 가게 되면 제주도민들이 소중히 여기는 이 길을 자랑스럽게 여기며 걸을 겁니다. 그리고 환경의 어려움을 극복한 제주도 주민들에게 열심히 일할 수 있도록 힘을 주는 그 숨막히도록 아름다운 광경에 눈을 떼지 못 할 겁니다. 한국인들이 잘 보존한 바다, 폭포, 숲, 호수, 그리고 동굴의 내음을 만끽할 겁니다. 마치 신선한 바람이 한국인들을 감싸 안고 하나되게 만들듯이 저도 그 바람을 감싸안을 겁니다. 저는 한라산에도 오르겠습니다. 김삼순처럼 마음 강하게 먹고 열심히 오를 겁니다. 저도 꿈을 가지고 오를 겁니다. 또 그 꿈을 믿을 겁니다. 무슨 꿈이냐고 물어보시면? 산꼭대기에서 현빈이 저를 기다리고 있는 꿈? 현빈이 보온병에 든 성게미역국과 초코파이를 가지고 기다리는 그런 꿈? 그것도 나쁘지 않습니다. 하지만 제 꿈은 그게 아니랍니다.

제 바람은 필리핀 사람들이 TV 드라마에 비쳐지는 마술이나 아름다움이 아닌 그 이외의 것으로 제주도를 바라보는 것입니다. 제주도를 환경이 훼손되지 않고 인간과 자연이 조화롭게 공존하는 섬으로 바라보는 것 입니다. 필리핀 사람들 모두가 제주도 주민들의 삶을 보며 자연의 선물을 존중하고 그 가치를 배울 수 있을까 느끼는 것. 그 것이 제 바람입니다.

우리나라는 7,107개의 아름다운 섬으로 이루어진 축복받은 자랑스러운 곳입니다. 필리핀도 제주도가 한국의 보물로써 지켜진 것처럼 관광 이익을 넘어서 자연을 지키기 위해 열심히 노력해야 합니다. 우리 나라의 7,107개 섬이 모두가 각각 우리 나라의 제일 유명하고 가장 소중한 섬이 되도록 만들고 싶습니다. 관광객들이 미소를 짓고 마음껏 즐기며 아무도 걱정 없이 자연과 교감할 수 있게요. 그리고 언젠가 우리나라 섬들의 아름다움이 아니라 필리핀 사람들의 따뜻한 정으로 필리핀 땅을 밟고 싶다고 청중들 앞에서 말할 누군가가 있게 되기를 희망합니다. 그리고 우리처럼 그 누군가도 그들 나라에 대한 소망과 그 꿈을 가지게 되기를 바랍니다. 이렇게 저처럼요. 그게 제 꿈입니다.

A Dreamlike Island

“Don’t go! Don’t go! I have something to tell you! If you go now… If you go now…”

Hi everyone! Did you just ask if my name is Sam-Soon? No, my name is not Sam-Soon. I’m Alodia – a Korean language student from the University of the Philippines.

That scene from the famous Korean drama “My Name Is Kim Sam Soon” was how I first met Jeju Island. After Sam-Soon confessed her love to Sam-Shik, he left her. Our pitiful Sam-Soon walked the streets of Jeju Island alone and barefooted. That moment, it seems like the clear blue sky and the deep blue sea merge together to give Sam-Soon a comforting pat on the back. The soft sounds of the waves gently lapping against the rocks are like whispers of comforting words to Sam-Soon’s broken heart. But, until now I’m still wondering what was it that Sam-Soon was about to say to Sam-Shik. “If you go now…” “If you go now…” “If you go now…” Ah! “If you go now… You will not be able to witness the beauty of Jeju Island!” That was it, right?

Jeju Island. An oval-shaped semi-tropical volcanic island 130 kilometers off the southern coast of mainland South Korea. “Island of Gods”, “Korea’s Hawaii”, “Honeymoon Island”, “Island of Fantasy”, “Korea’s most popular travel destination”. Those are just some of the many names of Jeju Island. Just within an hour’s flight from Seoul, Busan, or Daegu you can reach a land of a completely different world.

Have you been to Jeju Island, everyone? The first thing that will capture our attention is the beautiful ocean that sparkles as sunlight touch its surface. We can also see fantastic rocks and stones spread alongside the coast. On the east and west sides of Jeju Island we can find numerous oreums. And we can let the little droplets of water,  escaping from the stream of beautiful waterfalls, touch our body. We can also ride mountain bikes or horses in the middle of the splendid fields of yellow rapeseed blossoms. We can walk through the woods and it will feel like we are trapped inside an enchanted forest. We can marvel at the different lava caves and catch the sunset from Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak. If we climb Mt. Halla, we can experience paradise. It will be as if we have fallen inside a painting. A dreamlike island – Jeju.

But aside from its beauty, I was also attracted with the people of Jeju. Jeju Island has been characterized as the island of Samda – an abundance of three aspects: wind, rocks, and women. Problems such as infertile soil, strong winds, and severe droughts are just some of the difficulties that the locals have to face. But everyone worked together for the common good. That’s why Jeju Island is also called the island of Sammu – lacking three aspects: beggars, thieves, and locked doors. People trust each other that announcing the house is empty does not trigger worry. Whereas if I go out of our house without locking our door, I’d definitely be scolded by my mom, won’t I? The people living on Jeju Island have overcome difficult conditions. They learned how to work together to preserve its unique beauty, culture and tradition.

It is natural for Koreans to think of nature as a motherly being that takes care of mankind. To Koreans, nature was both an eternal spiritual essence and a comforting maternal figure. Koreans believed that life would not be possible unless the principles of nature were respected. Thus, Koreans cherish Jeju Island. They value and respect it. And they are proud of it. And now Jeju Island has become Korea’s most famous and treasured island. And whoever set foot upon Jeju Island’s soil will come away with treasured memories and will always long to return.

That’s why,  when I visit Jeju Island I will take pride in walking its streets and let my eyes feast on the breathtaking scenery that inspired the Koreans to work hard together despite their hardships. I will fill my nostrils with the scent of the sea, waterfalls, forests, lakes and caves that the Koreans have preserved so well. I will let the fresh wind embrace me like how it embraced and unified the Koreans together. I will climb Mt. Halla too. Just like how Kim Sam-Soon climbed it with determination. I will also hold onto and believe in my dream. What is my dream, you may ask? That Hyun Bin will be waiting for me at the top? With a thermos of hot sea urchin seaweed soup and choco pie? That’s not such a bad idea. But that is not my dream.

For  Filipinos to see Jeju Island too beyond its beauty – beyond the magic that it brings to dramas that we see on television – that’s my wish. For all to see Jeju Island as a place where human life and nature coexist harmoniously without environmental degradation – that’s my wish. For everyone to be inspired with the people in Jeju Island and learn how to respect and value nature’s gift – that’s my wish.

Our country is blessed with 7,107 beautiful islands to be proud of. In gratitude of many beautiful scenic spots, we should work harder to protect them beyond the name of tourism and profit. Just like how Koreans treasure Jeju, we can also sincerely care for each of our islands. Together we can turn each one of those 7,107 islands as our country’s most treasured islands too. Where visitors can smile a lot and laugh to their heart’s content, and commune with nature without any worries. And someday I hope there will also be someone, standing in front of a crowd, talking about her desire to set foot upon Philippine’s soils not just because she was enchanted by our islands’ beauty, but because of the lasting impression and inspiration that the Filipino’s would bring her. And how us, as a nation, has pulled her desires and encouraged her to dream for her own country too. Just like me right now. That is my dream.

[드라마] On “Secret Garden” Episode 2

김수한무 거북이와두루미 삼천갑자동방삭 치치카포사리사리센타 워리워리 세브리깡 무드셀라 구름이 허리케인에 담벼락

This episode drove me crazy! I watched it around 4:00 AM and it was very difficult to suppress my laughters. I didn’t know Hyun Bin could make me laugh so much!

I love the way they represent Joo-Won’s thoughts (by literally showing Ra-Im following him everywhere!).

Joon-Won is definitely a Sam-Shik when it comes to his arrogance and ignorance but a hundred times more naive. Plus a mixture of Jo Gukness – being sweet, concerned yet confused.

And doesn’t this scene…

reminds you of this scene?

I usually will be a little annoyed with these kind of close similarities had I not known that they have the same writer-director team.

The second episode was enjoyable as well. In fact more enjoyable than City Hall‘s second episode. But what I love most about City Hall is how we were able to closely and slowly look at how Jo Guk fell in love with Mi-Rae. It was a wonderful journey to follow on every episode and yet will still leave everyone unsure when did he exactly fell for Mi-Rae. I think that Joo-Won fell for Ra-Im too fast and too early. Well, it maybe necessary for there are a lot more to happen in this drama.

Creating romantic scenes and Cinderella stories are indeed Kim Eun-Sook‘s strength. The Cinderella part usually annoys me, but with her excellent romance-writing skills she can always get away with it.

Off to Episode 3 in a bit! ♥

[드라마] A first step to “Secret Garden”

재미있었어! 넘 재미있었어! I slept with a little smile plastered on my face after finishing “Secret Garden” at around 3:30 AM earlier.

It was a good start. I like the interaction of the two lead characters and I so love how cool Gil Ra-In was established. God! I would love Kim Sun-Ah on Ha Ji-Won shoes (warning: you’ll probably hear this from me over and over until the last episode of Secret Garden). But even though I would like it better had it been Kim Sun-Ah instead of Ha Ji-Won, surprisingly, I was not annoyed with Ha Ji-Won (yet?) at all. In fact she really looks so cool! And I am liking Hyun Bin‘s role too – something that I never felt for his character in Worlds Within. Was it because Joo-Won was somehow a bit closer to Sam-Shik? With a little sprinkle of Jo Guk?

It was really fun. A hundred times better than City Hall‘s pilot episode – which is probably the most boring pilot episode I have ever seen.

I can already sense the Kim Eun-Sook‘s magic wand weaving the drama as early as the first 10-minutes or so.

And of course the Kim Sun-Ah call-out was indeed a winner!

오스카: 아, 김선아 씨 대역? 오늘 찰 부탁해요.

거라임: 잘 부탁드립니다.

오스카: 내가, 커피 마실래요? 하면, 운동화 빵꾸 나는 건 아니죠?

거라임: 예?

오스카: 다음에 찍어요. 김선아 xxx 않아? xxx 머리 계속 xxx 는데.

오스카: 아닌데? 아, 맞다 맞다! 그 영화! ‘웰컴투 동작구’! 10급 공무원이 구청장 되는 얘기 그거! 거기서 김선아 씨 대역맞죠? 어- 여전히 멋지네요, 길라임 씨.

Looking forward to episode two later… after writing my paper – which is not gonna make it to the deadline! 어떡 해???


대역 – a body double (in movies, tv, etc)

Taking the Plunge

Since I have no interest in Hyun Bin (outside My Name Is Kim Sam Soon), I didn’t even bother checking Secret Garden – until I heard about the “Kim Sun-Ah call-out” on Episode 1. I immediately stopped whatever I was currently downloading and started downloading episode 1. I guess I just missed Suna Unnie so much that a simple call-out was enough to make me go nuts.

Then my jaw just dropped! It was very stupid of me not to know that this a Kim Eun-Sook drama!!! Darn! How could I miss that when, right after seeing – and falling in love with her in City Hall, I swore that I’m going to follow all her dramas from that point forward. The last I heard about her was her collaboration (guidance?) with a new writer (her former assistant) for My Princess. Was I really so busy with school that I missed something this big?

I guess so. School works just keep piling up that I just download the drama without even taking a glance at it.

As days and weeks pass by the more I hear about this drama. From blogs, facebook, twitter, classmates and friends. It gained a lot of popularity – in Korea, in the Internet (foreign fans), at school (Korean class classmates, Korean friends).

I was known as the “source” of Secret Garden in our school’s International Center (for foreign exchange students) since I always give my Korean friends copies of it yet. Earlier I even received an unwarranted cheery smile from a Korean exchange student when he was told that the copies were from me and that I brought the final episode. Ironically, I haven’t seen a single episode.

Time to give it a try?

Javabeans recapped it. She was so excited about it in the beginning despite the fact that she is not really into Kim Eun-Sook. However she doesn’t seem to enjoy it that much anymore towards the last half. She is the one who always give me chills whenever I read what she wrote about My Name Is Kim Sam Soon (poignant and funny and worth the hype). She who likes Boys Over Flower (that I will never ever like) and who never uttered a single word about City Hall.

Girlfriday, who considers My Name Is Kim Sam Soon as the closest drama to her heart was not wowed by this.

Ockoala who thinks My Name Is Kim Sam Soon is perfect and adores City Hall to the fullest doesn’t like this at all and was disappointed.

Tarits who shared my City Hall addiction, loves it but was not moved with the characters.

Elisa, another City Haller, loves just the story part.

These girls makes me think now. How about me? Me who considers My Name Is Kim Sam Soon as the best thing that ever happened in the K-drama world and holds City Hall close to my heart.

With the exception of My Name Is Kim Sam Soon, I’m not really into the popular dramas and/or young dramas. I’m not really into Hyun Bin, unless of course if he is being Sam-Shik. Ha Ji-Won is nothing to me compared to my lovely Kim Sun-Ah. But I loooove Kim Eun-Sook so much. I enjoyed On Air too (and is still trying to watch, re-watch and continue watching her earlier dramas – though I believe that City Hall is her best drama to date).

Will I like this? LOVE this? Hate this? I guess I would never find the answer until I watch it. And more than the drama itself, I’m more curious now as to what would be my reaction after watching it.

그럼, now at 2:30 AM, despite the busy crazy school schedule and with a 말하기 시험, readings, a paper and a job interview later today, I’m going to take the plunge… 하나, 둘, 셋!